/BCO-DMO/Oyster_Connectivity/FLA_lagoon_hydro ---- Level 1

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# Daily averaged YSI sensor data from FL Lagoons
# Project: Patterns of Larval Dispersal and Postsettlement Selectiol Shaping
#  Connectivity of Oyster Populations Along an Ecotone
# PI: Matthew Hare (Cornell University)
# Version: 25 July 2012
site_id  site_descrip              lat      lon       
BPD      Flagler_Private_Dock      29.4945  -81.1425  
CBU      Cocoa_Beach_Utility       28.3133  -80.6334  
CCD      Fort_Pierce_Private_Dock  27.4902  -80.3380  
HBD      Harbor_Branch_Dock        27.5299  -80.3527  
MPD      Marine_Patrol_Dock        28.6244  -80.7946  
OHD      Oak_Hill_Private_Dock     28.8658  -80.8330  
PPD      Princess_Place_Preserve   29.6589  -81.2382  
WAD      Walton_Dock               27.3149  -80.2627  
WHD      Whitney_Lab_Marineland    29.6702  -81.2157  
site_id  site_descrip              lat      lon       
BPD      Flagler_Private_Dock      29.4945  -81.1425  
CBU      Cocoa_Beach_Utility       28.3133  -80.6334  
CCD      Fort_Pierce_Private_Dock  27.4902  -80.3380  
HBD      Harbor_Branch_Dock        27.5299  -80.3527  
JED      Jerrys_Dock               28.3480  -80.7222  
MPD      Marine_Patrol_Dock        28.6244  -80.7946  
PPD      Princess_Place_Preserve   29.6589  -81.2382  
WAD      Walton_Dock               27.3149  -80.2627  
WHD      Whitney_Lab_Marineland    29.6702  -81.2157